Saturday, September 8, 2018

Unknown - 2013

This tragic event took place at the new campus controlled by Diamond Ranch Academy. The unnamed boy (Some sorces state Jake Spencer - others Matthew Loebach) moved into Diamond Ranch Academy in June, 2013. September 8, 2013 the school was busy with a football game. The boy managed to sneak into the showers.

He was discovered by an employee who were in the process of showing parents how good the school are. When the boy was discovered the employee closed the door into the showers in a hurry so the parents who were potential customers did not see anything. He quietly alerted other employees but it was too late.

The school received criticism for setting up the bathroom so hanging was a possibility.

The parents later sued the school because the school had promised 24/7 supervision.

It is sad that such a yong life was cut short. This is what could happen when promises by treatment facilities are not met.

May he find peace where he is now.

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