
Thursday, February 21, 2019

Chloe Cohen - 2002

15 minutes was all it took for 16-year-old Chloe Cohen to hang herself. It was an unspeakable tragedy.

It is difficult to determine whether the employees should have monitored her more carefully. Were there signs that suggested that she should not have been left alone which were ignored? The lawsuit seems to suggest that which KidsPeace lawyered themselves out of. Of course KidsPeace is a for-profit business but we have not been able to find sources which suggest that her death were due to too low staffing. The employees simply made their own diagnose deciding that the poor girl was not suicidal which sadly was proved wrong, but such diagnoses and mistakes are made every day.

What is left is that is was a terrible loss for her family and friends. May she find peace where she is now.



  1. Thank you for using Chloe's memory to further awareness of the children stuck in the system, children often in far worse places than Kidspeace. I grew up in Kidspeace from age 6 in the organization's residential treatment centers, private schools, psychiatric hospital, and therapeutic foster homes. I was in Ross House with Chloe, as were around 20 other teen girls who were all impacted by her suicide. As the anniversary of her death nears, I think about her more each day & found your blog post. I guess I don't know what to say other than thanks for keeping up the good fight - so many kids feel abandoned and alone in these places. Not all of us there had wealthy families with great insurance... I was a State kid, a ward of the court, and my overworked case worker was the only one looking out for me. Chloe had a nice family with her best interests at heart from what I could tell from her visitation with them. I hope for justice for all the victims, not just Chloe.
