
Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Bobby Sue Thomas - 1996

To restain someone while they are lying on their stomach can result in their death. This is known and accepted today. It was also known in 1996 but there was no training of employees how to do it otherwise.

It resulted in the death of Bobby Sue Thomas after the employees decided to restrain her due to some kind of conflict between them and the girl.

Her life was cut short due to lack of proper training. Tragic for both her and the family she left behind.

May she find peace where she is now.



  1. I Was A Resident At The Northwoods Children's Home In Duluth Minnesota When Bobby Sue Had Passed Away Us Boys Of The Boys Unit The Scotts We're Informed Of Her Death After Returning From The Northwoods Children's Home Summer Camp In Wisconsin. She Was A Good Friend Of Mine They Wouldn't Even Allow Us Boys To Go To Her Funeral. My Name Is Mikha'El Akkarra (Troy Carl Warnke Jr)

  2. Also Bobby Sue Was A Girl Not A Boy.
