
Thursday, October 16, 2014

Earl Wilson - 1944

Earl Wilson, who was 12 years old in 1944 was suspected to have been killed by other boys. He was buried in an unmarked grave at the Arthur G. Dozier School for Boys in Marianna, Florida together with many other boys, who is yet to be identified. We would have like to post this entry on the date of his date, but sadly none cared to put even his death down on record.

It is always a tragedy when such a young life is cut short. As the facility functioned as a prison, he must have been convicted of some crime. But surely not a crime which should have resulted in a death sentence. A death sentence was however what he got when he was sent to this poorly regulated facility where none seemed to have been hired to counsel these boys back to a normal productive life. The focus was punishment and revenge on the behalf of the society.

It is very sad for this family. We can only hope that he has found peace where he is now.

Researchers Identify Two Sets of Boys Remains at Notorious Dozier School (NBC News)

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